Thursday, August 13, 2020

God is the centre of all creation

 As Paul puts it that he is the center of all creation. 

“He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers – all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Col 1:15-17) RSV
In the prologue of John’s Gospel mentions that Jesus existed as the word and wisdom right from the beginning. He was responsible for all of the creation i.e. the universe, the earth, the stars, the molding of planet earth, the birth and flowering of life on earth and the emergence of human beings. These are all centered in Christ. 

Our outer world must be reflection of our inner attitude

To marvel his creativity helps us to marvel God, his unconditional love towards nature and human beings. Jesus always maintained a deeper relationship with others; especially the out cast i.e. the sick, the needy and sinners. His focus of life included the un-included. His life is a model for our ecological concern. 

According to “E.F Schumacher Our outer world”, is a reflection of inner attitudes. If the environment shows degraded condition e.g. Pollution, exhaustion, breakdown in nature, violence, terrorism, drug addiction and lawlessness in human nature. it shows the inner qualities of the people. The use of resources and different uses of technology cannot eliminate these problems because it emerges out of human heart and soul. Hence human heart must be changed first.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ecology and Christ

Ecology has become a major issue in today’s global environment. Ozone layer depletion, green house effect, air, noise and water pollution has taken its toll all over the world. If nothing is done now, the future would worsen. Already polar ice caps are melting thereby increasing the water level of the ocean. If this continues then some of the islands would virtually be disappeared. Hence care must be taken to save our planet. Christianity teaches us of loving your neighbor as you love your self. While  trying to form human relationship, we must not forget our relationship with the environment.

Christ came to save the world, which means even our environment. Christ was a deep student of nature. Jesus cared nature as much as he cared for humans. The need of the hour is awareness towards our environment.